Date Met: | 04-23-2024 |
Height: | 18.2cm |
Level: | 11.2 |
Voice Type: | Type A |
Fav Food: | Cherries |
Star Sign: | Sagittarius |
Age: 179
First Partner: Gabberjaw
Version: 160
I'm on the lookout for a confident creature who can handle my fiery nature, match my sizzling energy, and appreciate the allure of my sexy body. If you're ready to be captivated by a fairy who knows her worth and isn't afraid to show it, swipe right and let our flames intertwine in a blaze of passion and enchantment. I am a celestial sprite, with a slender figure that gracefully moves through the night sky. My iridescent wings shimmer with every twinkle of a star, carrying me effortlessly across the heavens. Let's soar together and discover the celestial wonders that lie beyond the realms of ordinary love.
Downloads: 7
Please report offensive or glitched fairy profiles to me via Twitter or Discord DM.
All characters are depicted as over 18, consenting in their actions, and enjoying themselves.