Dreamsparkle - Fairy FINDR Profile
Date Met: | 12-05-2024 |
Height: | 13.6cm |
Level: | 9.7 |
Voice Type: | Type A |
Fav Food: | Jelly Beans |
Star Sign: | Aries |
Age: 552
First Partner: LegionMain54
Version: 190
I'm the captivating fairy who's ready to sprinkle some magic into your life. If you're looking for a whimsical romance with a touch of enchantment, you've come to the right place! Allow me to enchant your senses and leave you utterly spellbound. Passionate, self-confident, and irresistibly cute, I'm the fairy who knows what she wants. And what do I want, you ask? Well, I desire to meet a marvelous human companion who appreciates my tiny but mighty presence and is up for some extraordinary adventures!
Downloads: 2
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All characters are depicted as over 18, consenting in their actions, and enjoying themselves.