Sunny - Fairy FINDR Profile

Sunny's Profile Picture


Date Met:10-24-2024
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Mango
Star Sign:Virgo

Sunny Female Gender Icon

Age: 567

First Partner: Calem

Version: 190

My dreams are filled with fantasies of the tantalizing human touch. Imagine tracing your fingers along my gossamer wings, feeling their delicate flutter against your skin. Picture the tingling sensation as we dance cheek to cheek under a starlit sky, the gentle embrace of our bodies merging the realms of fairy and human. As a tiny fairy in a world of magnificent beings, I am intensely curious about the human form up close. I long to explore the intricate details, the textures of your skin, the fervor in your eyes. Every contour, every touch, every breath shared in the heat of passion is a revelation, a journey into the depths of desire.

Downloads: 9


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