Crystal - Fairy FINDR Profile

Crystal's Profile Picture


Date Met:08-18-2023
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Mushroom risotto
Star Sign:Gemini

Crystal Female Gender Icon

Age: 639

First Partner: JCPunch94

Version: 160

If you're a soul who craves an extraordinary connection, ready to explore the depths of passion, and yearns for a fairy's touch, then let's weave our destinies together. Swipe right, and let the magic unfold as we create a tale of enchantment and desire that will be whispered among the mystical creatures for ages to come. As a fairy, my delicate wings carry me through lush forests, sparkling meadows, and moonlit glades. But deep down, I yearn for a connection that goes beyond the realms of the magical. I often find myself daydreaming about the touch of a human, the warmth of their hands caressing my petite frame, and the thrill of a shared adventure between our different worlds.

Downloads: 7


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