Willowisp - Fairy FINDR Profile

Willowisp's Profile Picture


Date Met:04-25-2024
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Kiwifruit
Star Sign:Aquarius

Willowisp Female Gender Icon

Age: 595

First Partner: Gabberjaw

Version: 160

I'm the epitome of cuteness, with a confident spirit that radiates from my delicate wings to my bewitching smile. Passion runs through my veins, igniting a fiery desire to explore the depths of connection and intimacy with someone special. As a fairy, I'm intimately attuned to the beauty of the world, and my heart yearns for the transformative power of human touch.

Greetings, towering human! I'm a pint-sized fairy with an abundance of confidence and a sprinkle of mischief. I may be small, but my personality is larger than life. Get ready for a magical journey where size doesn't matter, and our love-making will leave the boundaries of the ordinary.

Downloads: 3


Please report offensive or glitched fairy profiles to me via Twitter or Discord DM.

All characters are depicted as over 18, consenting in their actions, and enjoying themselves.



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