Skye - Fairy FINDR Profile

Skye's Profile Picture


Date Met:12-20-2024
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Honeydew melon
Star Sign:Aquarius

Skye Female Gender Icon

Age: 155

First Partner: Gengertha

Version: 201 (200)

Passion runs through my veins, and I'm not afraid to let it show. I yearn for the touch of a human, the gentle caress of your fingers tracing my delicate wings or the warmth of your embrace. Oh, the fantasies that dance within my mind, envisioning the possibilities of our connection!

I've always wondered how a relationship between a fairy and a human could unfold. Would you carry me in your pocket as we explore the wonders of your world together? How would our laughter intertwine? I am eager to bridge the gap between our worlds and discover the enchantment that lies in the unknown.

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All characters are depicted as over 18, consenting in their actions, and enjoying themselves.

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