Kalmia - Fairy FINDR Profile

Kalmia's Profile Picture


Date Met:10-12-2024
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Honeydew melon balls
Star Sign:Aries

Kalmia Female Gender Icon

Age: 156

First Partner: Shadow543

Version: 190

If you're ready to experience physical love, where the boundaries between fantasy and reality blur, then join me on this whimsical journey. Let's write our own chapter in the book of love, painting the skies with the vibrant hues of our desires. Passionate, self-confident, and irresistibly cute, I'm the fairy who knows what she wants. And what do I want, you ask? Well, I desire to meet a marvelous human companion who appreciates my tiny but mighty presence and is up for some extraordinary adventures!

Downloads: 3


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