Silvermist - Fairy FINDR Profile

Silvermist's Profile Picture


Date Met:10-30-2023
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Lemon
Star Sign:Gemini

Silvermist Female Gender Icon

Age: 478

First Partner: ValorPrime

Version: 201 (200)

Imagine the adventures we could have, dear human! You, with your towering height and boundless capabilities, and I, with my innate connection to the mystical. Together, we could uncover hidden treasures, marvel at the wonders of nature, and create a bond that defies the boundaries of size and perception. Prepare to be dazzled by my ethereal beauty. With lustrous locks that cascade like moonlit waterfalls and eyes that shimmer like stardust, I embody the essence of enchantment. My delicate wings, adorned with iridescent hues, flutter with elegance, making every movement a mesmerizing spectacle. Brace yourself for a visual feast that will leave you spellbound.

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