Penelope - Fairy FINDR Profile

Penelope's Profile Picture


Date Met:07-30-2024
Voice Type: Type A
Fav Food:Honeydew melon balls
Star Sign:Gemini

Penelope Trans Gender Icon

Age: 193

First Partner: SushiDoodle

Version: 190

Swipe right if you're ready to embark on a journey of discovery and sensuality. Let's explore the mysteries of each other's worlds and create a connection that sparkles with magic and radiates with pleasure. I'm a vibrant and whimsical fairy with a passion for all things magical and natural. Nestled within the depths of the Enchanted Forest, I spend my days dancing on sunbeams, harmonizing with the birds, and tending to the vibrant flora that blesses our realm.

Downloads: 3


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All characters are depicted as over 18, consenting in their actions, and enjoying themselves.

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