Game Release Archive
Below you’ll find listed all current releases for all games.
This is just a handy way to link to the current versions of each game for newcomers to patreon.
- Fairy FINDR – Demon Update 160
- Helluva Hound – 0.9
- The Bad Fox – 0.9
- Bunnycop: On-Duty – 0.4.99
- Interdimensional Engineer – 1.95
- Bandicoot Buddy – 1.56
- Gadget: Pint-Sized Fun – 1.0.0
- Island Secretary Minigame – 1.6.5
- Julia Brain Minigame (Only as a Patreon post)
- Amy Rose Secret Stall (Interactive App test, first release of these types of games)
Please follow the instructions listed on each game release page. If you have any trouble installing these games, please checkout the FAQ, or you can contact me directly through Patreon, Discord, or my Twitter. Thank you 🙂